4 common exercises to help improve your dog's physical and mental health
There are lots of options when it comes to exercise, so it doesn’t all have to be about physical activity – mental activity is also important!
Daily walks
Nearly every dog loves to go for a walk. When they go for a walk, they sniff the scent of all other dogs that have passed through, check out what is new in their environment, leave their own scent mark to communicate to the neighbourhood dogs, and get that all important physical release.
Most dogs do well with a minimum 30 – 60 minute walk every day. Walking creates training opportunities. Ask your dog to sit at each kerb and wait until you give them a cue to start walking, give them a cue that means ‘lets keep walking’ or ‘stop walking’.
If you have a houdini dog that often tries to back out of their harness, look no further than our SAFE Escape Proof Dog harness and gain piece of mind your dog is secure while walking.
Training is a great way to exercise your dog. Find a basic manners training class or an obedience club that promotes positive-reward based training methods. Obedience classes are group classes that are held one day per week. You don’t have to compete, as just being in the classes is great for ongoing socialisation and learning all the important behaviours such as sit, drop, stand, stay, heel and come (recall).
A combination of training will benefit your dog and help you build a stronger relationship with your dog. Begin with a manners course to get you both off to the right start with positive training firmly in place. Consult a trainer to learn how and get advice on equipment options that can help while you retrain your dog.
If you have trouble getting your dog to walk nicely on a loose lead, we recommend our Outdoor Front-Clip Dog Harness. This harness helps you maintain control and minimizes your dog from pulling.
Off leash play or Runs
Fully fenced dog parks are great for those breeds or individuals that may tend to wander too far or get caught up in the joy of running when off lead. Dog parks and other off leash areas, e.g. parks and beaches can be great fun for your dog. The aim of the dog park is to have fun and safe exercise for your dog in the form of play and running.
Games & Interactive toys
It may be raining outside, or your dog is under vet orders to reduce exercise, or something else got in the way of your daily walk/off leash run – but all is not lost. There are plenty of toys on the market that are interactive and can stimulate your dog mentally and physically.
For morning information on exercising with your dog, checked out our blog on How exercise can impact your physical health.